Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Kitchen Miracle

Well!  Big doings around here.  Brother came out to help Dad do some serious work in the kitchen, and they really got to it.  When we got the house, the kitchen looked like this:

The fridge was in a strange peninsula built out right across the middle of the floor, which made the whole kitchen seem closed in and dark.  (Alleviated only very slightly by an odd gap between the top and bottom cabinets.  Hi Mum!)  We knew that had to go.  The grimy storage space in the peninsula was definitely not worth it.

Dad broke out his Sawzall and the fun began!

Brother does love to be destructive.

And then, at long last:

Out it came!!  It's like a whole new room!  What's that you say?  Was there a mouse nest under the cabinet?  Why, yes!  There was!  With that disposed of, we finally got a look at what was under the ugly vinyl tile:

It was like an archaeological excavation.  Layers and layers, dating back finally to plywood from 1965.  Hooray!  We've hit bottom!

We pried out a couple more cabinets, and by that time we were getting tired.  There's only so much work you can do while sitting down.  But it was a job well done, all around!  Next project: pull out the subfloor all the way down to that first layer of plywood.  Go team!


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